Saturday, July 23, 2011

Very Happy Birthday

My sweet Jolie Danae turned 1 today! I've never done a party based on a book, but I really think this was the most fun I've had comeing up with ideas. I was inspired to do The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle when I found some goody bags at target in the clearance section! A set of 8 bags for $.47 was just too good to pass up. And so the idea was born. It was also no coincidence that my two older children put on The Very Hungry Caterpillar for their spring production at their preschool.

I formed a lot of ideas in my head, but once I looked online I found some truly creative parties. Jolie's 1st birthday party is a mismash of all the ideas I found and came up with myself. I had a little bit too much fun creating this party.

Jolie's invitations and thank you cards.

Our welcome balloon caterpillar.

Jolie's birthday banner in the living room

 Jolie's dining room birthday banner
Remember those old easter eggs? I made these mini caterpillars (with m&m's inside!), and the long one below, from all my green easter eggs.

 Not really sure why this was my favorite of all, but I do love it. Jolie likes to make it "crawl" on the ground. It used to have googly eyes, but I think someone at the party took them off.
The caterpillar cake looking for the apple. I got the caterpillar cake idea from another blog. There are also pom pom caterpillars on this section of the table. The food wasn't really theme oriented, so I didn't take any pictures of the food table.

 Sweet Jolie in her birthday shirt. It says "Hip, hip HOORAY! Jolie's 1st Birthday!" Love it.
We had trouble keeping the birthday crown on her, so this is the only shot of her in her birthday crown, shirt and tutu.

 After the cake. I didn't really think through the red icing, but she loved every little bit of it. She even tried to lick her hands off before we dunked her in the tub.
The aftermath. I figure we'll probably never see this shirt again, so I'd better get a picture of it.

 The food banner of the food that the caterpillar goes through.
 A red bench I had sitting in my backyard. I gave it one extra coat of red, and put it inside for the gift bench. I also made the pillowcase over, which my kids love now.
Momma and Daddy

We had so much fun, we all passed out for a little bit after everyone left. I think my favorite part of the whole day, though, was when the party was over and we were up from our naps. Jolie was in her high chair, eating her snack and I was cleaning up. I decided to take a break from cleaning and read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to her. Soon Parker and Caedence joined us, and the recited to story to her. It was the most peaceful, loving moment during the entire day. Truly a blessed, for the birds day.

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