Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Just because I have 4 kids...

Instead of doing a blog about my resolutions, the procrastinator in me wants to do something totally different. Let's not analyze which side won out and why. So, here are a few things I'd like you to know about me as a mom of 4 beautiful and tiring children.

I do not know everything.

While I would love to claim that having 4 kids has given me superior knowledge about child rearing, that's just not true. Each kid is different, so I'm basically like a first time mom 4 times over. For example, my third child is the first to use a pacifier, so I have no idea how to wean her now that she's nearly 2 1/2. She is also my first to not really get the hang of potty training. My fourth seems like he's pretty reluctant to get the hang of sleeping on his own. He also doesn't want to eat any baby food. What I do know as a mom of four is that "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry".

I am not super organized.

Today my son's doctor said "Man, you must be really scheduled at your house with four kids". I just smiled. We are, in fact, not really scheduled. And unfortunately I'm not really organized... YET. Of course, with one in elementary school, we had to get our act together a little. It wouldn't hurt to be organized, but every time I try, we move our lives around, a child gets bronchitis, I get a migraine that knocks me out for days, my favorite tv show comes on, oh wait.

My life is not an open book.

(For strangers, anyway). For some reason, having 4 kids seems to make people lose their minds. Add to that the fact that between each child is less than two years, well people can get down right rude. Yes, we know how this happened. Yes, we know how to prevent it. Yes, for the millionth time, my hands are quite full. Why yes, I am tired, all the time. And frankly, I don't know why it's any of your business if we intend to have more. If you're a friend and you've said any of these things, don't worry, you're in the clear. Although, it is getting a little tiring hearing "boy, you have your hands full", or "you're really busy, aren't you?"

I am no better than a mom with 1, 2, or 3 kids.
I guess maybe it's the side of mom's that want to compare. Listen, I don't think I'm better at anything than any other mom. I think God has given me the task of caring for four, and I think sometimes I get by and sometimes I need help. If you're a mom of 1, 2 or 3, I don't think I'm busier than you, more tired than you or that I have more of a reason to complain. I hear "And I thought I was busy with one (or two... you get my point)." Well, you are. I remember having my first. I was insecure, tired all the time, and I felt like crying at everything. I had no idea what I was doing. My second wasn't any better because I thought it would be a breeze, then she ended up being quite the opposite of her older brother. Going from one to two was a huge adjustment, and I felt like crying at everything.

Children are a blessing. They are a reward. They are a heritage from the Lord. The world quite frankly screams that children are an inconvenience. Sometimes, I've let that noise in, and I've let it convince me of how my life would be without kids. Shame on me. My life would be different, but it wouldn't be better. Yes, my kids can make me feel like 4pm would be a great bed time. They can make me scream on the inside. But my kids make me happier than ever. My independent daughter comes over and kisses my hand and says "I love you". My son climbs in bed to snuggle in the morning, and asks if he can stay home from school to hang out with us. My two year old is a ball of energy and is a delight and my 6 month old smiles every morning and after nap time when I see him. They all are super affectionate and will give you all the love you can stand.  I love my kids, and while I can complain, I wouldn't change having them for anything.

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