Monday, December 19, 2011

Power of Prayer

So it's occurred to both Phil and I that when people ask "how are you doing?" or "anything new?", we're never really sure what they're talking about.

I have to be completely honest about this whole situation- I'm probably not thinking about it as much as everyone else! God has granted me this awesome peace about the baby- and I know it's because you're praying for us. It's not that I'm sure about what's going to happen, or even that I think that God will completely heal our child (or that it was just a fluke). Of course I believe that God can heal our child if there's a problem, but I don't think that's the only way God could show us He loves us.

When I get asked "how are you doing?" I answer in terms of being pregnant. I'm tired all the time, lately I'm getting super moody, and I'm hungry. :) My morning sickness is thankfully gone, although I do get nauseous from time to time. It's really hard to sleep, already. I get cravings for normal food, but sometimes they cravings are bad enough that I'll think about it until I get to eat it.

In terms of the situation with the baby- we have so much to be thankful for.

  • I'm thankful for all the people that have let us know this is not unusual. That was probably what I was thankful for the most at first. I had so many people telling me that they had the same thing happen with one of their children, while still acknowledging how scary and hard this time can be. 
  • I'm thankful for being able to be busy. I think that's kept me from delving too far into my bad thoughts, and pitying us in this situation. Having 3 kids 4 and under really helps to keep me focused on right now, and not too much about future what-ifs.
  • No matter how trivial it sounds, I'm thankful for people praying for us. I've said it to a few people, but almost immediately after I posted my last update, I felt relieved. I know it's because we had people who are helping to carry our burden. Thank you so much for supporting us, and walking through this journey with us. 
 I'm hesitant to put the exact date of the ultrasound out there, but as it gets closer, I'm sure I'll let you all know.  We do have a date set up for our Level 2 ultrasound in January. The baby will be much bigger by then, so if it was something developmental, it will be gone by then. If there's anything else, they will be able to see. Seriously, thank you for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I love your line, "...of course I believe God could heal our child if there is a problem, but I don't think that's the only way God could show us He loves us." After having our two boys rather smoothly, we have had three miscarrages in a row over the past three years, with lots of tests and no explanations. Yet He has shown His love for us thru these years, not necessarlily thru fixing the difficult circumstances. That is so freeing, to feel His love in good and bad, to have peace, that is a gift. We'll keep praying for you guys and waiting with you. Heather Javalgi (for Jason and I)
